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Week 3 - Design Based Learning

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

The Importance of Creativity in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) & Design Thinking

Figure 1. '6 Block' PBL Activity - Photo by me

Design as the Product of Critical and Creative Thinking…

Governed by a desire to solve problems or transform existing solutions into preferable ones, design enacts a process of decision-making that emphasises gainable knowledge, collaboration, and creative ingenuity (Burnette 2005; Simon 1996). Thereby aligned with cognitive processes outlined by Schrocks’ (2012) revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Figure 2. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Model (Schrock 2012)

Therefore, design-thinking is a process defined by discovery, interpretation, ideation, experimentation, and evolution (IDEO 2011). Founded upon fundamental skills including collaboration, prototyping, tolerance for ambiguity, and a focus on solutions.


Pedagogical Implications

Design-based Learning (DBL) Through Meaningful Dialogue

The application of DBL in the classroom enables quality intellectual development through meaningful interaction between students. Namely, in its ability to encourage ideation through exposure to other students' ideas (Bozkurt & Tan. 2021).

Furthermore, DBL actively values students’ prior knowledge and experiences, supports personalised learning (thus promoting agency), and fosters a unique metalanguage of learning between students, boosting their motivation and engagement (Van Haren. 2010).


Key Challenges...

Conversely, the benefits of DBL are commonly idealistic as there exists various pedagogical and practical limitations within the classroom context. Specifically, the inherent ambiguity involved in DBL complicates student and teacher accessibility as a result of vague structuring, lack of necessary knowledge, and unclear expectations beyond ‘solve the problem’.

This has been identified by scholars such as Schön (1987) who implicates the pedagogical gap between the initial process of DBL and the final results as subverting its potential benefits. Finally, DBL can suffer from a frequency of unoriginality, characterised by the classroom context and the quality and scope of the proposed problem (Bozkurt & Tan. 2021).


How Can Technology Address This and Foster Creativity Through DBL?

The increasing integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education involves a greater desire for digital learning to construct ‘students-as-designers’ (Kimber & Wyatt-Smith 2006). From my personal experience, DBL stands to benefit greatly from technology.

Figure 3. Prototype and Sketch of Water Dispenser Idea - Photo by me

Tasked with designing a water dispensary system to test soil moisture levels, ideating and prototyping ideas began with preliminary sketches.

As part of this process, I saw modelling potential ideas using Google Sketch Up would be effective in non-material prototyping as seen in Figure 3.

Figure 4. Google SketchUp Screenshot of Water Dispenser Model - Taken by me



Bozkurt Altan, & Tan, S. (2021). Concepts of creativity in design based learning in STEM education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 31(3), 503–529.

IDEO (2011) Design Thinking for Educators, 2nd Edition

Kimber, & Wyatt-Smith, C. (2006). Using and creating knowledge with new technologies: a case for students-as-designers. Learning, Media and Technology, 31(1), 19–34.

Schrock, K. (2012). Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. Available at:

Van Haren. (2010). Engaging learner diversity through Learning by Design. E-Learning and Digital Media, 7(3), 258–271.



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Mar 24, 2023

Hi Victor,

I really enjoyed reading your blog post! The information you provided had a great flow to it and I especially enjoyed your mention of ambiguity in the challenges of DBL as not every student will be expected to simultaneously be on the same level of creativity and is a great point to take as future educators. What I also found interesting was your reference to Bloom's revised taxonomy model, Creativity is such a broad concept that I for one often fail to realise just how interrelated creativity is with our cognitive processes.

Great Job!



Zoe Lennon
Zoe Lennon
Mar 21, 2023

What an insightful blog post! I love how you thoroughly described design base learning. One thing you could highlight more is how design based learning can foster creativity through the designing the water tank task and sketch up, as well as where this fits in the NSW curriculum.

Overall, your pedagogical implications, especially your key challenges are very insightful and it is great to see these are backed up with research.

Great work!

Zoe Lennon (46615687)


Mar 20, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hi Victor,

Fantastic blog post. The structure and format of this blog post is well detailed and great to follow on your perspective of this week's topic of design learning.

I appreciate the screenshot added in from SketchUp of the water dispenser at the end, I thought that was a great addition to visualise your prototype model. Further, just an addition to touch on the syllabus outcomes may aid in your blog post.

Eva Kostopoulos 20/03/2023


Mar 16, 2023

Hi Victor

Great post! The information you provided was really well presented, easy to read and clearly researched. You have done really well to explain why design based learning is beneficial in a range of contexts.

I also really liked that you addressed the limitations of DBL and described the task you experienced to relate the information to our tutorial lessons.

One thing I did notice is you haven’t specified how DLB can foster creativity, i think you started to touch on it.

Overall, really informative! Well done

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